Since my last blog about parenting and male/female rights, I've been thinking about their rights surrounding the choice to have a baby or an abortion. This highly controversial topic highlights many issues regarding women's bodies and moral issues.
And so purely in the case of women who do not feel morally obliged to have a baby, is it fair that she should make the decision over whether or not to have the child? Or should the potential father be allowed some say too? Any decision to do with the mind or body of a person, I argue would lead the ultimate decision to be made by that person. However, the choice of having a baby affects both the prospective mother and father and so in this case because a woman's body comes into play too, a male's opinion is secondary and so in the case that he wants the opposite outcome to the prospective mother, he will probably lose out.
Has female liberation, which grew out of their oppression by men flipped the coin on its head and now oppresses men in some situations?
I would argue yes.
Men have lost out on certain rights at the hands of women and this does not adhere to what feminism sought to achieve - equality with men - but perhaps in some situations, all that can be attained is the lesser of two evils?